Senior Counsel

Nelson Larrañaga

Nelson Larrañaga is the director of the Labor Relations and Social Security legal practice. He is an expert in legal advice on labor relations.

Nelson Larrañaga is the director of the Labor and Social Security area. His legal advice on corporate human resource management is backed by solid academic training and over 33 years of professional experience.

Over the course of his career he has conducted various successful litigations that have come to be considered leading cases. Particularly noteworthy among them is a case brought before the Supreme Court where it was ruled that bank employees are covered by the general termination system, thereby leading to rejection of a multi-million dollar claim. As advisor to multinationals he has negotiated original agreements between companies, unions and government, which have made major investments possible.

In 2013 he successfully defended a multinational company in an arbitral proceeding, in which for the first time an arbitral tribunal ruled in favor of unilateral termination of a collective agreement due to the union’s breach of its peace obligation.

He was professor of Labor and Social Security Law for twenty years at two Uruguayan universities. He has published over 15 books on subjects of his specialty, which have become reference works for professionals, judges, government and companies. He regularly publishes articles in specialized reviews and is a speaker at professional conferences (international, regional and local), and is an opinion leader on current labor relations issues.

On March 5, 2013 he presented the Bill of Law amending Law 18,566 (private sector collective negotiations) to the Minister and Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and social Security, and representatives the PIT-CNT federation of unions, the members of Parliamentary Committees specializing in labor issues, and the ILO Director of International Labor Standards. On April 11, 2013 the bill went to the Senate Labor and Social Security Committee for study.

He is editor in chief of the Uruguayan review Derecho y Tribunales (Law and Courts), a publication aimed at academic, professional and judicial spheres.

Larrañaga is a prolific and bestselling author of books on labor law and over last three decades has published the following: Régimen Nacional de Seguro por Desempleo (co-author), Acali Editorial (1984); Horas Extras, Fundación de Cultura Universitaria (four editions: 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1997); La fuerza mayor en el Derecho del Trabajo (Assistant Professor Thesis), Fundación de Cultura Universitaria (1991); Administración del Trabajo en Uruguay, Fundación de Cultura Universitaria (two editions: 1990 and 1994); Reglamentación del Trabajo en Uruguay, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (1992); Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Fundación de Cultura Universitaria (1995); El Nuevo Modelo Previsional Uruguayo. Jubilaciones, Pensiones y Materia Gravada, Fundación de Cultura Universitaria (1996); Manual de Beneficios Laborales y de la Seguridad Social, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (two editions: 1999 and 2006); Las nuevas reglas laborales: ocupación de empresas, tercerización y prescripción, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2007); Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social en la Empresa, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2008); El derecho de la seguridad social uruguaya, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2009); El derecho actual de las relaciones laborales uruguayas, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2010), Derecho de huelga y negociación colectiva (2011), La Seguridad Social Uruguaya, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2012), and Las relaciones laborales individuales uruguayas, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2013) and Las relaciones laborales colectivas uruguayas, Pub. Amalio M. Fernández (2015).


  • Uruguayan Labor and Social Security Association (AUDTSS)
  • Attorney, Universidad de la República, 1981.
  • Notary Public, Universidad de la República, 1982.


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First judgment in Uruguay holds relationship between driver and Uber to be independent

This historic judgment for Uruguay is the first of its kind that could be reviewed by the Supreme Court of Justice.

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