On July 5, 2022, through Resolution DNCP Nº 2122/2022, the National Directorate for Public Contracting (DNCP) approved a new integrity and compliance policy for public contracting and purchasing processes.

By way of this resolution, the DNCP declares its commitment to:

  1. The prevention and detection of the use of irregular financial resources in the execution of public contracts, including all forms of money laundering.
  2. The implementation of compliance and good corporate governance programs, as well as the consolidation of a contracting policy for the private sector.
  3. Transparency of information, by promoting honesty in the exchange of information, the traceability and transparency in public contracting decision-making, the prevention and resolution of conflicts of interest between the different actors in the public contracting process, fair competition and compliance with applicable antitrust and fair competition laws.

The DNCP takes on the challenge to lead the implementation process of this new integrity and compliance policy in public contracting, and will have the ability to create strategic alliances with national and international organizations, both in the public and private sectors, in pursuit of this goal.