Chambers & Partners, one of the most renowned publications worldwide, has once again distinguished FERRERE in the 2024 edition of its Latin America guide. With a total of 12 practice areas in the ranking and over 30 recognized practitioners, FERRERE continues to strengthen its leadership position in the three jurisdictions where it has a presence: Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

In Bolivia, Chambers highlights the office’s managing partner, Diego Villarroel, in the Dispute Resolution area, while in Paraguay FERRERE leads in four practice areas and has nine distinguished attorneys, as one of the firms with the largest number of recognized practitioners in the market. At the same time, in Uruguay, the firm has consolidated as the only one ranked Band 1 in all ranking areas, with a total of 24 recognized practitioners.

The guide evaluates law firms in 19 jurisdictions in Latin America. The rankings are created based on in-depth research into the firm’s activities and market presence, supported by the opinions of local and international clients and lawyers.

This recognition takes into account the high quality of the service offered by FERRERE – as voiced by clients – with its client-focused business model and its pillars of excellence, multidisciplinary teamwork, meritocracy and regional scope.

FERRERE launched its ambitious regionalization process twenty year ago, consolidating it as the only purely South American multijurisdictional firm, with a presence in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.