The purpose of this alert is to identify the most relevant provisions regarding A) immigration measures and B) prohibitions of movement within national territory along with the regulations resolutiona that regulates them.

The immigration measures that are currently in force are the following
I. The closure of all borders (air, land, river and lake). Except for those Bolivians who return and must comply with the protocols and procedures established for this purpose.

II. Suspension of the activities of the General Migration office and its departmental divisions
III. Suspension of the activities of the National Police related to the issuance of clearance certificates of i) criminal record, ii) narcotic records
IV. Suspension of the activities of the Judicial Organ, the Departmental Courts and the Rejap regarding the issuance of criminal records and the granting of travel permits for minors
V. Suspension of SEGIP activities, where the foreigner IDs and driver's licenses are processed
VI. Suspension of INSO activities, where the medical certificates required by the General Immigration Office are processed


• Supreme Decree Nº 4196 March 17 th 2020
From zero hours on Friday, March 20 to Tuesday, March 31, 2020, it has border closures throughout the territory of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Bolivian citizens and residents who return to Bolivian territory are not included Persons belonging to diplomatic missions, special missions and / or international organizations are also excepted. Likewise, the drivers of the international transport of cargo and goods, the same that require compliance with the protocol and procedures of the Ministry of Health.

  • Supreme Decree NN°4199, March 21th 2020

Extends the total quarantine throughout the territory of the Plurinational State of Bolivia until Sunday, May 31, 2020 in a dynamic and conditioned way. After may, 10th 2020, the measures will be applied according to the conditions in each of the departments and municipalities.

In the understanding that the Government is taking measures related to the
prevention and containment of the coronavirus permanently, this alert will be
continuously updated to keep our clients informed.